A unified model-based framework for doublet or multiplet detection in single-cell multiomics data.
An artificial-cell-type aware surface marker clustering method for CITE-seq data
A Gaussian-Mixture-Model-based software for processing sample barcoding data (cell hashing and MULTI-seq)
An R package (with core functions jointDIMMSC and BREMSC) for joint clustering droplet-based scRNA-seq and CITE-seq data
A biology-guided SEmi-supervised method for Clustering, classification, and ANnoTation of single-cell multi-omics
An R package for clustering droplet-based single cell RNA-seq data from multiple individuals simultaneously, capable of correcting for certain data heterogenity and batch effect across samples
A novel method for clustering droplet-based single cell RNA-seq data.
A tool for genotyping calling of sequence data from population and families.